Glam & Beauty

Hello Everyone!
Long time no post, school's been keeping me so busy x_x

On October 21, I did a photoshoot with LaPhotoNET. It was very different from the first photoshoot I did with him. My first shoot was in lolita (see blog entry here). This time, we did glam and beauty; a mix of glam and pinup.

The amazing Tani (designbymake) did my hair and makeup. 
When I looked in the mirror, I barely recognized myself!

It took quite a while, but the result was awesome!
Photo from LaPhotoNET

We worked in Nelson's home studio. It was small, but I think it worked well for what we were doing. I brought a whole mess of clothes to play with. Black and red were the colors of choice, and we used a red background. I changed into about 5 different outfits throughout the shoot.

This was the first photo he processed, and my jaw dropped.
It looked too cool! I couldn't help but show everyone ^^;

Next was some black & white, which looked great:

I tried something a little different with this outfit, it felt a little more "pin-up mafia" to me, haha. We also added gold flakes around my eyes, it looked awesome!

Near the end of our shoot (mind you I got there at 3:45pm and left around 9-9:30pm!) I played around a bit more with my hair and turned out some awesome results!

Needless to say, I'm in love with this photo

This one is my absolute favorite, I could tell it would come out perfectly

All in all, I had a blast! It was a long shoot, but extremely well worth it :)
Both Nelson and Tani were wonderful to work with; I can't wait for our next shoot!

Please check out LaPhotoNET for the whole 21 photo set here,
a behind the scenes look here,
and also check out Tani at designbymake!

Until Next Time,
Stay Gold, Sami

The Happiest Place on Earth :)

Hi everyone!
I'm so sad, I've started school again :( oh well, hopefully I'll learn something this quarter! I miss summer already though!

Anyways, back in March I got a Disneyland pass, and have been wanting to go all the time *w* There's so much to do, even when you go back a few times, you haven't done it all!

I thought I'd share some of my favorite photos of my adventures with you all ^^ enjoy!
(in no particular order!)

I love the Little Mermaid ride! my favorite Disney princess :)

Do you guys remember Conehead Ariel?

Tower of terror has easily become my favorite ride, I love taking the pictures too, even though I have a tendency to drop my pose too early XD

 We are so cute!

Character photos! I'm trying to get them with all the characters I see, what a task!

We ate at Ariel's Grotto <3

Met my first Chiver :)

Sam hanging on while the ferris wheel cart swung

 we got to ride in the back car of the monorail!

being cute waiting for the Aladdin show with our Chive shirts :)

When we derp, we derp hard.

I love dressing up to Disney!!

Whew, a lotta pics!
What's your guys' favorite things to do at Disney? Favorite ride?
Hope you enjoyed my post!

Until Next Time,
<3 Sami

Lolita Wishlist: Top Choices!

Hello everyone! been a while since I've written a post, sorry! x_x
Today I'm going to talk about the top items I've got on my lolita wishlist :)
There are so so many things on my lolita wishlist, it's ridiculous.

I even have individual facebook albums for them.
But! there's some things that are at the top of my wishlist. as much as I'd love to post a wtb for them, I just haven't got the money for them :( girl can dream though, right??

In no particular order...


I'm such a fan of bunnies. my poor boyfriend's allergic, else we'd have one! there's somethin' about the cute things that I'm such a sucker for!! whelp, I can have them in lolita form, right!? I've already got 3 dresses with bunnies - Wonder Story (AP), Glass Bottle of Tears (AP), and Bunny Pockets (AP Replica) - and a Happy Garden Cutsew (AP) - hah I didn't realize I had so much XD anyway, why not collect more bunnies?



Metamorphose Fairy Tale Frill Pinafore Dress, Lavender
This dress. This dress oh man. The print is gorgeous, I love faeries and ugh it's just so allover gorgeous. Quite hard to find though, I've only seen the lavender skirt for sale once. I will put this in my closet one day!


 Innocent World

I purchased my first IW piece recently:
and I've just fallen in love.
The fabric, the designs, the detail, just everything. I knew I liked a few pieces from IW, but after receiving this piece, I ended up head over heels. I want more. IW doesn't focus on prints like AP does, they work more on designs and unique fabrics, and I like that it's something different, as much as I do love AP :)



Innocent World Felicia Crown JSK, Ivory
 I've had my eye on this piece for a while, and seeing the detail of the above skirt, I know this piece would be incredible. There's so much detail! Can't wait to own it :)


Angelic Pretty Dot Pretty Girl OP, Sax or Pink
Man oh man, there's just something that appeals to me so much with this dress. I think it's really the cut, it's so darling and different from the usual Angelic Pretty. I can only cross my fingers that it'll look good on me! Currently a hard to find piece; haven't seen anything from this series on the comm_sales.



Angelic Pretty Cafe Latte Tiered JSK, Beige
I saw an image of the bodice of this dress, and I just thought it was so cute, and it'd suit me so well! Haven't seen it for sale yet though.


Angelic Pretty Heart Balloon Rings
I currently own the other three to this set:
and really want the final two!
This set is very meaningful to me, because I went to AP SF with three very lovely girls, and two of them got other rings to this set, so it was really nice to have something that connected us ^^


Drum roll please.....


Alice and the Pirates A Midsummer's Night Dream Print JSK II, Black

My dream dress, hands down.
Before this dress, I "liked" a lot of dresses, but there was nothing I had considered my "dream dress", as many girls have. When I saw this, it was love at first sight. I had considered reserving it when it came out, but at that time I was uncomfortable spending ~$400 on the dress and headbow, which looking back is understandable. hah if only I had known how elusive this dress would become!! I WILL own this one day, there is no doubt about that.

 I'm partially there! I already own the socks and butterfly ring :)


Alice and the Pirates Gathered Chiffon Frill JSK, Black, White, or Ivory
Isn't this on every lolita's wishlist? this is such an amazingly gorgeous dress.


BtSSB Chiffon princess dress blouse
Offwhite, Yellow, Pink, Black, or Sax
It's rare for me to lust over a blouse, but this is one I'm very much after :) I'm a chiffon addict incase you didn't know ;)



BtSSB Twinkle Constellation and the Stars of Confeito JSK, White, Navy, or Sax
I can't make my mind up on which colorway I like most for this dress! but it's so so darling it's gotta go in my closet.


My entire Moitie wishlist is just a dream.



All of Baroque's stuff is too cute! There's something so inspiring about the designer, Mana, how she creates everything herself, and I really like supporting her as an indie designer!


Baroque 2010 Powdery Winter Coat, Lavender
 So cute! I need a lighter colored coat, I've only got a black one as of now cuz they're so darn expensive!


Ugh so is that too much for a top wishlist?? ah well! I'm always looking toward expanding my lolita wardrobe; I'd love to be able to wear it more often, if not every day! heh~

Well, if you made it this far, thanks for looking! I'd love to hear feedback from you guys :D i still don't know how to reply to comments though x_x

Until next time!
<3 Sami